29 , Shapla Clinic Building ( 2nd floor ) , Sher-A-Bangla Road , Moylapota Mor , Khulna, Bangladesh +8801914201270


Database Management System SQL Practical Tutorial For CSE Department

Database Management System SQL Practical Tutorial For National University Bangladesh CSE Department 4h semester

Question : ( Car Insurance Management Sytem SQL Codes )

Consider the following schemas for “car_insurance” database relations, where the primary keys are underlined.

Person (driver id, name, address) here driver id is primary key .
Car(license, model, year) here license is primary key .
Accident(report number, date, location) here report number is primary key .
Owns(driver-id, license) here driver-id, license are primary key .
Participatd (driver-id, car, report-number, damage amount) here driver-id, car, report-number are primary key .

Write down the SQL expressions for the following queries:

i. Add a new accident to the database (assume any values for required attributes).

ii. Delete the Toyota belonging to “Simanto”. ( please feed the database in this way so that this query result don’t show total_owners is 0 . Feed the database in this way so that it show total_owners: 2 )

iii. Find the total number of people who owned cars that were involved in accidents in 2012. ( feed the database in this way that this query result should be 3 )

iv. Update the damage amount for the car with license number “DHAKA2000” in the accident with report number “AR2197” to 50000/-

Answer :
Database Creation:

CREATE DATABASE car_insurance;

Table Creation:

USE car_insurance;


    driver_id INT PRIMARY KEY,

    name VARCHAR(100),

    address VARCHAR(100)



    license VARCHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,

    model VARCHAR(100),

    year INT



    report_number VARCHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,

    date DATE,

    location VARCHAR(100)



    driver_id INT,

    license VARCHAR(10),

    PRIMARY KEY (driver_id, license),

    FOREIGN KEY (driver_id) REFERENCES Person(driver_id),

    FOREIGN KEY (license) REFERENCES Car(license)


CREATE TABLE Participatd (

    driver_id INT,

    car VARCHAR(10),

    report_number VARCHAR(10),

    damage_amount DECIMAL(10, 2),

    PRIMARY KEY (driver_id, car, report_number),

    FOREIGN KEY (driver_id) REFERENCES Person(driver_id),

    FOREIGN KEY (car) REFERENCES Car(license),

    FOREIGN KEY (report_number) REFERENCES Accident(report_number)


Data Insertion:

INSERT INTO Person (driver_id, name, address)


    (1, ‘Simanto’, ‘123 Main St’),

    (2, ‘John Doe’, ‘456 Elm St’),

    (3, ‘Jane Smith’, ‘789 Oak St’);

INSERT INTO Car (license, model, year)


    (‘DHAKA1000’, ‘Toyota’, 2010),

    (‘DHAKA2000’, ‘Toyota’, 2012),

    (‘DHAKA3000’, ‘Honda’, 2015);

INSERT INTO Accident (report_number, date, location)


    (‘AR2197’, ‘2012-05-15’, ‘City A’),

    (‘AR2198’, ‘2012-07-10’, ‘City B’),

    (‘AR2199’, ‘2012-09-20’, ‘City C’);

INSERT INTO Owns (driver_id, license)


    (1, ‘DHAKA1000’),

    (2, ‘DHAKA2000’),

    (3, ‘DHAKA3000’);

INSERT INTO Participatd (driver_id, car, report_number, damage_amount)


    (1, ‘DHAKA1000’, ‘AR2198’, 1000.00),

    (2, ‘DHAKA2000’, ‘AR2197’, 2000.00),

    (3, ‘DHAKA3000’, ‘AR2199’, 3000.00);

Queries: i. Add a new accident to the database:

INSERT INTO Accident (report_number, date, location)

VALUES (‘AR1234’, ‘2023-06-11’, ‘City X’);

ii. Delete the Toyota belonging to “Simanto”:

— Delete records from Participatd table

DELETE FROM Participatd

WHERE car = ‘DHAKA2000’;

— Delete records from Owns table


WHERE license = ‘DHAKA2000’;

— Delete record from Car table


WHERE license = ‘DHAKA2000’;

iii. Find the total number of people who owned cars that were involved in accidents in 2012:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT p.driver_id) AS total_owners

FROM Person p

JOIN Owns o ON p.driver_id = o.driver_id

JOIN Participatd pa ON o.driver_id = pa.driver_id

JOIN Accident a ON pa.report_number = a.report_number

WHERE YEAR(a.date) = 2012;

iv. Update the damage amount for the car with license number “DHAKA2000” in the accident with report number “AR2197” to 50000/-:

UPDATE Participatd

SET damage_amount = 50000.00

WHERE car = ‘DHAKA2000’ AND report_number = ‘AR2197’;


Getting the data back after performing the query number  (ii)

— Insert records into Car table

INSERT INTO Car (license, model, year)

VALUES (‘DHAKA2000’, ‘Toyota’, 2012);

— Insert records into Owns table

INSERT INTO Owns (driver_id, license)

VALUES (2, ‘DHAKA2000’);

— Insert records into Participatd table

INSERT INTO Participatd (driver_id, car, report_number, damage_amount)

VALUES (2, ‘DHAKA2000’, ‘AR2197’, 2000.00);

National University Bangladesh CSE 4th Semester Database Management System Practical Exam Question Part One
National University Bangladesh CSE 4th Semester Database Management System Practical Exam Question Part two

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